
[15] On the Mordell-Weil groups of Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves over certain elementary abelian 2-extensions
( to appear in the Kyungpook Math. J. )

[14] ( with Y. Taguchi )
On the finiteness and non-existence of certain mod 2 Galois representations of quadratic fields
( Kyungpook Math. J. 48 ( 2008 ), 323--330 )

[13] ( with Y. Taguchi )
The non-existence of certain mod 2 Galois representations of some small quadratic fields
( Proc. Japan Acad. 84 ( 2008 ), 57--61 )

[12] ( with S. Harada )
On zeta functions of modular representations of a discrete group
( J. Algebra 319 ( 2008 ), 4456--4471 )

[11] On four-dimensional mod 2 Galois representations and a conjecture of Ash et al.
( Bull. K.M.S. 44 ( 2007 ), 173--176 )

[10] On mod 3 Galois representations with conductor 4
( Proc. A.M.S.135 ( 2007 ), 3109--3113 )

[9] ( with Y. Taguchi )
l-adic properties of certain modular forms
( Proc. Japan Acad. 82 ( 2006 ), 83--86 )

[8] A congruence for a modular form and its application to quadratic forms
( Ramanujan J. 16 ( 2008 ), 73--81 )

[7] On the non-existence of certain Galois extensions
( Developments in Math. 11 ( 2004 ), 221--232 )

[6] ( with Y. Taguchi )
Refinement of Tate's discriminant bound and non-existence theorems for mod p Galois representations
( Documenta Math. Extra Volume: Kazuya Kato's Fiftieth Birthday ( 2003 ), 641--654 )

[5] The non-existence of certain mod p Galois representations
( Bull. K.M.S. 40 ( 2003 ), 537--544 )

[4] The number of monomial mod p Galois representations with bounded conductor
( Tohoku Math. J. 55 ( 2003 ), 85--98 )

[3] ( with Y. Taguchi )
Mod p Galois representations of solvable image
( Proc. A.M.S.129 ( 2001 ), 2529--2534 )

[2] Finiteness results on certain mod p Galois representations
( J. Number Theory 84 ( 2000 ), 156--165 )

[1] On the finiteness of mod p Galois representations
( Doctoral Thesis, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2000 )